Incoming: New books

I’ve got a brand-new online bookstore, and what better way to test-drive it than to give away a ton of books? That’s right, you can get Fashion and Passion exclusively in my store for free two weeks early! For 2024, the store is where you want to be. You’ll be able to...

TEMPT ME is here!

It’s finally here! Today is the release day for Tempt Me. This book has been percolating for a while as I figured out Jamila Jallow’s HEA. Jamila started as a side character in the Synergy universe. Long-time readers will remember her as not only Jackson and Cooper’s...

New collection!

I don’t know about you, but I love one-stop shopping. When Target added a grocery section to my local store? Best. Day. Ever. I could get my Target fix *and* a jug of milk. Genius! I hope I’ve done the same thing by bundling my first three Synergy books together in my...