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It’s finally HERE!
This book has been a LONG time coming! Almost two full years after I started writing it, Frenemies and Lovers is available today from all retailers. Of course, it’s been up for a couple of weeks on my website, and those readers who grabbed it early can tell you that it’s got all my favorite things in it: a hero who’s GONE for the heroine practically from page one, dastardly exes, adorable pups, and a ride-or-die friend group.
The book started with that idea: a group of friends who meet up a little later in life. I’d been thinking about how much harder it is to make friends as an adult of a (ahem) certain age. When you’re a kid, everyone’s a potential friend. I remember one time when my son was little, he and another kid started up a conversation in the hardware store, and I could hardly drag my son away when we’d made our purchase. Afterward, I asked him where he knew that kid from. He said, “Here.” He had made a friend right there in the plumbing supplies aisle.
Making friends as an adult isn’t that easy.
So part two of this origin story happens as I’m listening to a podcast on a long drive. It’s a sex podcast, which I listen to for PROFESSIONAL REASONS – OBVIOUSLY – and the host is interviewing someone who gives workshops about exploring your sensual side. I’m all about this, and I’m listening intently as I’m cruising I-70.
And then this guest reveals the secret to a happy long-term relationship: treating your man like a king.
Needle scratch.
I had to rewind that part to be sure I heard it right. The way to find my power is to treat someone else like royalty? What in the ever-loving FUCK? (Yes, I promise I was alone in the car when I shouted this.) Shouldn’t he be treating me like royalty?
And then an idea took root.
What if someone at one of these workshops had a similar reaction? And what if a few others did, too? And what if they met up after in a bar and all agreed that it was utter bullshit?
And what, the romance-writing part of my brain asked, if they all then found partners who’d treat them like queens? Or goddesses?
I’d love to say the story wrote itself from that point, but, yeah, that was over two years ago.
So if you want to read about friends who meet each other under exactly those circumstances and then go on to find (younger) men who treat them like the goddesses they are, pick up Frenemies and Lovers.
Need more convincing? Here are the first two chapters.