by Michelle McCraw | Jul 16, 2023 | New release, Tempt Me, Writing progress
I can now tell you from experience that unpacking is easier than packing. Packing took me about three months’ worth of weekends and was EXHAUSTING. Unpacking? Done in less than two weeks. Okay, so I’ve got one pesky box that I can’t find the right...
by Michelle McCraw | Jun 16, 2023 | New release, Tempt Me
It’s finally here! Today is the release day for Tempt Me. This book has been percolating for a while as I figured out Jamila Jallow’s HEA. Jamila started as a side character in the Synergy universe. Long-time readers will remember her as not only Jackson and Cooper’s...
by Michelle McCraw | Jun 11, 2023 | Tempt Me, Writing progress
Whew, y’all, I’ve been busy. TEMPT ME releases THIS WEEK! Be sure to preorder your copy here. If you email me your receipt (hit the Contact button up top), you’ll be entered to win a hedgehog-themed prize basket! Aaannnnd…FRENEMIES is finally...