by Michelle McCraw | Nov 12, 2023 | Writing progress
What even is November without NaNoWriMo? I guess I’m finding out this year. With revisions on “4 Weddings” dragging from October into November, it just wasn’t a good time to drop everything and write. BUT! Good and necessary writing work is...
by Michelle McCraw | Oct 12, 2023 | Writing progress
With work travel and writing travel this month, I’ve had to be kind to myself and set writing expectations low. “Seduce Me,” an exclusive short story in my Synergy world, appears in The New Boss anthology, which released in September and is now...
by Michelle McCraw | Sep 19, 2023 | Anthologies, Book deals, New release, The New Boss
It’s been a long time coming, y’all. My brand-new Synergy story, “Seduce Me,” is part of a multiauthor anthology of workplace romances. The New Boss is chock full of steamy office romance. Although the anthology has a very hot guy on the cover and a male...
by Michelle McCraw | Sep 10, 2023 | Book deals, The New Boss, Writing progress
Progress has been slow but steady this month… “Seduce Me,” a short story in my Synergy world, appears in The New Boss anthology, releasing September 19 for only 99¢. Make sure you’ve grabbed a copy! City Owl accepted my proposal! What was...
by Michelle McCraw | Jun 16, 2023 | New release, Tempt Me
It’s finally here! Today is the release day for Tempt Me. This book has been percolating for a while as I figured out Jamila Jallow’s HEA. Jamila started as a side character in the Synergy universe. Long-time readers will remember her as not only Jackson and Cooper’s...