What even is November without NaNoWriMo? I guess I’m finding out this year. With revisions on “4 Weddings” dragging from October into November, it just wasn’t a good time to drop everything and write. BUT! Good and necessary writing work is getting done. 

  • I just – as in yesterday – finished my revisions on 4 Weddings and a Feud and sent it off to my beta readers.
  • That gives me time to write the Synergy holiday-themed short story I promised my newsletter subscribers. They voted, and the short story will feature Alicia and Jackson, the couple from Work with Me. If you want to get the story in December, be sure you sign up for my newsletter!
  • Books and Hook(Up)s is still on hold, but I hope to get back to it next month. (And yes, I know I said that LAST month. 🤷‍♀️)

I have ambitious writing goals for 2024 – I already know my word for the year is going to be BACKLIST (as in, create more of it) – but I also need to be kind to myself and produce quality work, which takes time. I’m going to keep this in mind as we enter the holiday season and I turn my focus to my family. 

For anyone doing NaNoWriMo, good luck! I hope to join you next year.

Writing progress as of November 12, 2023. Shows 4 Weddings and a Feud at the Beta stage, a Synergy short ending the planning stage, and Books and Hookups stuck in early drafting