I officially entered Revision Hell this month with three projects to revise. I’m making progress – yay! – but I have a Big Revision looming, and I’m running out of time to procrastinate. (eep!)

First, the good news. I sent “Seduce Me” off to my copyeditor! She’s scheduled to start on it this week. I’m feeling good about this one!

Then I sent TEMPT ME off to my betas. Is there a better feeling than to give a project to someone else to work on for a while? No, there is not.

Which leaves me with FRENEMIES. I had to take the progress back down to “Revise” in the graphic below, and that hurt my little heart. But my agent made some good points about the revisions needed, and like I said in January, I’m ready to LEVEL UP. So I’m deliberately taking time to think about it, and I’m even using a new tool, Plottr, to help me organize my thoughts. I’m hoping maybe it’ll work – which, BTW, is a romance beat WELL ahead of the climax, but I’m hoping it’s actually the Wake Up beat where everything becomes clear and my story heads toward its gloriously happy conclusion.

Wish me luck! 🍀

March 2023 writing progress shows Tempt Me at the beta stage, Frenemies at the revision stage, and Seduce Me at the editing stage