It’s only 17 days into the new year, and I’m already feeling the pressure. This year, I’ve got two competing priorities: writing more words and leveling up.
I’ve committed to writing three new projects this year (and would love to add a fourth, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves). These are a short story for an anthology (“New Workplace” below, just started drafting today), the sixth book in my Synergy Workplace Romance series (Tempt Me, still waiting for its revision), and a sequel in a new series (not even on the chart yet).
At the same time, I’d like to level up my writing. Go a little deeper into characters, add more beauty to my prose, and reach for that next level in my work. This takes TIME, y’all. And time is precious.
So I’ll make the most of my time this year. I hope you can do the same. Happy New Year!