It’s my last #writingprogress post of 2023! I’ve got a lot going on, which is good news for my readers in 2024.

  • The Synergy holiday short is done and going out to my newsletter subscribers (if you’re a subscriber and you’ve missed it, let me know!).
  • Frenemies & Lovers is ready to go to the proofreader. I’m wrapping up formatting for its prequel, Fashion & Passion, and I’ll publish them both in February.
  • 4 Weddings is back from beta readers, and I’ll revise it based on their feedback.
  • Books & Hookups is languishing, again, waiting for its turn. It’s up next!
Writing progress as of December 2023 showing progress on four projects: 4 Weddings and a Feud, Frenemies and Lovers, a Synergy holiday short, and Books and Hookups