I made it!

During November, which is National Novel Writers’ Month, I wrote a happily-ever-after for Jamila Jallow. You’ll remember her as Jackson and Cooper’s college BFF who appeared in Work with Me, Friend Me, and Boss Me. She’s a powerful woman, and I’ll have to admit I was a little intimidated to write her, but I enjoyed making her go all gooey inside for the type of person she never expected to fall for.

It’s still a rough draft, and it’ll be a little while before you see the book up for preorder, but it exists, and I’m proud of that.

Now for the (ahem) more difficult news…Frenemy needs more revision. My lovely agent (correctly) pointed out that it’s not quite ready yet, so it’s back to work on my age-gap romance. I like the direction it’s going so far, and I hope to make good progress this month with a little extra time during the holidays.

Speaking of which, happy holidays to you all! May you have the right balance of time with family and friends and end-of-year reflection and relaxation that brings you joy.