Can I see the light at the end of my Revision Hell tunnel?

I got TEMPT ME back from my beta readers, and I spent Easter Sunday in a hotel room making the suggested revisions. I need to do one more read-through, and then it’ll be ready to send to my brand-new editor. I’m excited, but also a little 😬 Once it comes back from the editor, I’ll be ready to put it up for preorder, and that makes me SO EXCITED!

My other editor sent back the revisions on “Seduce Me,” and it looks like it’s pretty close. It’s not due until July 1, so I’ll make the revisions when I have a little more time.

Which leaves me with FRENEMIES. I used my new tool, Plottr, to organize my thoughts and replanned the ending. I definitely recommend Plottr, but I can see how it can be tempting to overplan. It’s so robust, with capabilities for character studies, setting descriptions, and multibook series.

Then I wrote a synopsis, which my agent approved, and now I’m plowing through the revisions. I’m feeling cautiously optimistic that I can finish by the end of the month AND that this is a story you’ll want to read.

April writing progress