Today we’re celebrating administrative professionals.
I know, Alfred is Bruce Wayne’s butler, not his admin, but do we REALLY think Batman could do all his superhero business without Alfred’s calm, get-shit-done support? Could Iron Man even get his gauntlets off without BOTH JARVIS and Pepper Potts? Doubtful.
I’m a little late – Administrative Professionals’ Day was April 27 – but EVERY DAY is a good one to recognize those who support us in the workplace. From the receptionist at the front desk to the admin who knows EVERYONE in the building and how to make things happen effortlessly, these folks are the backbone of the organization. Where I work, a wonderful woman named Renée makes the magic happen whenever I need to bring clients onsite or cater in a delicious lunch that accommodates vegans and folks with food allergies.
I wrote about administrative professionals in both Friend Me and Boss Me. In Friend Me, Marlee is Jackson’s amazing admin and friend. And in Boss Me, Ben goes above and beyond for both his boss Cooper and the company that Cooper has temporarily forgotten he loves.
Writing update
Forget Me, Mimi and Mateo’s book, is back from copyedits, and I’m working to polish it up and send it off to the proofreader early next month. And I’ll also have a cover reveal for you SOON!
In between work on Forget Me, I’m working on a new series that I’m VERY excited about. I don’t have any details for you on publication dates yet, but I’m basically grinning ear-to-ear as I write it. I hope that love comes out on the page!
And don’t forget, if you’re in the Chicago area, you can come see me Saturday, April 30, at the Sheraton Grand Chicago hotel, from 3-5pm. Entrance is FREE and open to the public. I’ll sign books – your copies, or buy one there – and hand out chocolate and bookmarks. I’d love to meet you in person!
P.S. – Have you seen The Batman? Do you have THOUGHTS? Leave a comment, and let’s chat!