It’s Spring and I Have Thoughts

Y’all, I am ready to emerge from hibernation as a skinny bear (which is much less cute than a pre-hibernation Fat Bear). As I write this, it’s sunny outside my kitchen window, I’ve got daffodils peeking up in my garden, and although the temperature may still say it’s...

A rant…with book recs

It’s not often that I get ranty in public (though my brain is one big ol’ rant these days – looking at you, SCOTUS), but I have THOUGHTS about – you guessed, it – books. And the patriarchy, naturally. Long ago, when I’d moved on from horse books to my parents’ shelf...

Celebrating Caregivers

Here I go getting all serious again… March 3 was Caregiver Appreciation Day. I didn’t know this, but it’s celebrated twice a year (also on November 13). It seems fitting to celebrate our caregivers twice since caregivers work so hard, often 24×7. When my...