I hope you enjoyed any holidays you chose to celebrate. I took a trip to see my daughter in California and celebrated missing the bomb cyclone that hit the eastern U.S. We also celebrated Hanukkah with (gasp!) an electric menorah in our hotel room. I know, it’s not nearly as enchanting as candles, but I figured setting off the sprinklers would’ve ruined the magic.

Clean out the shelves with $10 paperbacks
Clean out my shelves

Looking ahead to 2023, I’m planning some big, bookish things that I’ll tell you about in future posts. For one, I’m working on a new set of covers for my Synergy series, and that – along with an upcoming move – means my collection of paperbacks with the existing covers has to go. All books are $10, including shipping to the U.S.

Finally, if you’re a writer looking to get more organized, have I got the class for you!

Start off the new year right with goals and plans! I’m giving a LIVE program Saturday, January 14, on managing writing projects. Come join us in Dayton, Ohio, or catch us LIVE on Zoom. Find out more at cofwevents.org

Do you struggle with finding time and focus to do your writing? Do you have a writing project that’s languishing from neglect, but you just can’t muster the energy to pick it back up? Does your writing feel like an endless slog? Ever wish you could find more discipline for your writing?

Course topics include
• Adopting a project management mindset
• Setting goals
• Incorporating project phases and milestones into your writing work
• Developing a project plan

At the end of the course, participants will understand how to plan their next writing project. Michelle will share tools and templates she uses to manage her own writing projects.

Manage your writing like a boss

Michelle is a certified project manager (PMP) with a master’s in business administration (MBA). While working full time as an information technology program manager, she has published five books in her Synergy contemporary workplace rom-com series since 2021. Leveraging more than 20 years of project management experience, Michelle will teach writers how to apply project management principles to their writing to gain more focus, organization, and discipline.