Happy New Year!

As we shove 2021 through the trapdoor into the dungeon where its evil twin, 2020, belongs, we can still find things to celebrate. For example, my newsletter is one year old this week. I truly thank everyone who’s come with me on this journey.

In this blog, I’ll be upcycling my newsletter content. If you’d like to see the content as soon as it comes out, be sure to subscribe.

Now, on to the book recs!


First book recs of 2022, and they’re all bargains…

The Summer of Sebastian by Giulia Skye

Did you read Her Outback Driver when I recommended it last year? I LOVED it, and now Giulia has written a follow-up book that’s absolutely endearing. The Summer of Sebastian is a contemporary romance between two people who’ve screwed up their lives and need each other—and a fake relationship, natch—to get back on track. And if you’ve read Her Outback Driver, you’ll love the cameos from Michael and Evie. 5 stars from me, and as of today, it’s only 99¢!

What I'm reading: The Summer of Sebastian by Giulia Skye
January Slow Burn Romances

Do you love a s-l-o-w burn as much as I do? Love that tension when you just want to smush the characters’ faces together to make them kiss? Then this promo is for you with sales on 29 slow-burn romances (look for Work with Me here)!

2 black-and-white Shih Tzus on a hand-crocheted blanket

Puppy pic!

Maybe y’all are tired of my dogs? Well, here are my sister’s dogs. They’re a pair of rescued Shih Tzu siblings, and they’re totes adorbs! Look at them on Christmas morning!