Writing progress, December 14, 2024

Whew! I finally sent Conspiracies & Chemistry to my early readers and am waiting for feedback. Which means it’s time to plan the next book in the series, which is titled Advances and Retreats. With the help of awesome story coach Cathy Yardley, I’ve...

Writing progress, August 11, 2024

 This month, I've made a lot of publishing progress…at the expense of writing progress. It works that way sometimes. I've got four projects in progress: Books and Hookups is ready to publish! The files are uploaded, and everything's ready to go for August 23....

Writing progress, July 14, 2024

It's been a minute since I posted my writing progress, so I figured I'd switch things up. I've got three projects in progress: 23 and You and Me is ready for copyedit. Look for a cover reveal soon! Books and Hookups is with the proofreader. I don't have a release date...

Writing progress, April 14, 2024

There's exciting stuff going on this month! I've always got a lot of projects in the works, but I'm really feeling it now! 23 and You and Me is back! I haven't worked on this manuscript since 2021, and now it's back in my hands from my lovely editor, Tee Tate of City...

Incoming: New books

I’ve got a brand-new online bookstore, and what better way to test-drive it than to give away a ton of books? That’s right, you can get Fashion and Passion exclusively in my store for free two weeks early! For 2024, the store is where you want to be. You’ll be able to...

Writing progress, December 17, 2023

It’s my last #writingprogress post of 2023! I’ve got a lot going on, which is good news for my readers in 2024. The Synergy holiday short is done and going out to my newsletter subscribers (if you’re a subscriber and you’ve missed it, let me...